August’s Ambassador: She May Be Blind, But She Sees Just Fine

This August…Love Is Blind! 

August is finally here and Mikayla and I wanted to share with you a wonderful little girl named August who is our official August Ambassador of the month! 

(Yes August is her real name ☺️)

If you’re not aware, every month Mikayla and I receive hundreds of pictures and stories showcasing your best friends and telling us all about their lives.

(Keep sending them by the way, we absolutely adore them :) 

And every month, Mikayla and I sit down and pick the dog who we feel best embodies everything ShawnCo stands for and who has made a significant impact on people's lives

The winner of this monthly ambassador program not only gets showcased for all to see, but also receives a free Harness, Leash and Collar of their choice on us.

This is our way of saying thank you for being a part of this community. 

But enough about that, let me tell you about August!

In August of 2013 in Garland Texas, a woman named Linda had recently lost her furry best friend Mona to cancer…

Heartbroken and never wanting another dog, she came across a post of a beautiful young full blooded Alaskan husky sitting in the back of the  pound vehicle. 

The husky, who was later named August, was found running the streets of Garland with no home and no one to love her. Linda recalls, 'Her eyes are what caught my heart' 🐶

Immediately, she went to the shelter, fell in love with her new best friend, and shortly thereafter, took her home. She told August, 'My home is your home' 💕

The two quickly bonded, and over the next few years, August would go on daily walks with her mom, graduate from obedience school, and even go airborne chasing squirrels and jumping on the couch.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly for Linda and August, who would cuddle together, give each other kisses, and talk to each other. 'She loves me dearly,' Linda says 💗.

(August even learned how to say Mama 🥹)

But as the years went on, August began to develop cataracts and eventually became completely blind…

However, despite being blind, August still knows her way around the house and the neighborhood, never slowing down for a second.

And even though she can’t see Linda, she still protects her and is the love of her life. 

Linda and August have been supporters of ShawnCo since the very beginning of our brand. We feel so honored to be able to highlight such a beautiful story from one of ShawnCo’s original customers🐶🐾


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