6 Dream Walk Harness Questions We Get Asked The Most…

Make Walks A Dream Again

Like many dog parents I absolutely love taking my best friend on a walk, and I love using a harness that makes those moments feel like a dream.

You know, no pulling, no chafing, and no slipping out of the harness to go after those pesky squirrels! 

Just a smooth enjoyable walk for you and your best friend. 

(That's why I personally recommend using the Dream Walk Harness.)

And today I wanted to go over our top 6 most commonly asked questions about using our Dream Walk Harness so you get the most out of the walks with your best friend.

1. How do I fit this on my dog? 🐕

Great question and don’t worry, we got a video for that. 

2. How do I put it on my dog? 🤷🏻

A common issue people have is putting their harness on backwards.

To ensure the harness is on correctly, make sure the logo is on the left shoulder of your dog like seen in the photo of Kevin (below).

 This will avoid an awkward and uncomfortable fit for your pup!

3. Where the heck is the ring to attach my leash to? 😲

There are two black circle O-rings, one on the top strap and one on the chest strap that are flesh to the body of your dog.

These rings allow for more stability and control as opposed to other harnesses where the rings sit away from the dog. 

4. How tight or how loose do I make the straps?

This is another great question and if you refer to our sizing video you will find that very helpful. 

But to put simply, the harness should be resting comfortably on the dog without any loose slack but on the opposite side, not too tight that it is choking the dog. You should be able to fit two fingers under the straps snug. 

5. How do I work on training my dog to stop pulling? 🐕‍🦺

Every dog is a little different but if you follow our Training Video you should solve this problem quickly. 

But like anything, it will take working with your dog consistently and using verbal commands like “heel” followed by treats to reward walking next to you.

The same goes for when they pull, we suggest words like “ah ah” and stopping the walk until they stop pulling. Before beginning again, give the “heel” command and begin walking again. 

This takes consistency and patience but using your Dream Walk harness will make this process much easier. 

6. Can I use this harness on a tie out? 🐶

We do not recommend ever using any of your ShawnCo products on a tie out. Please keep in mind that doing so voids your warranty. 

Bonus question: How do I wash my Dream Walk harness? 

Don’t worry, we have a video for cleaning all of your ShawnCo products because we know how much fun your fur angels can have rolling around in the dirt and playing outside 😉

We hope you found these tips helpful and if you have further questions or need help with fitting or sizing, just reply to this email with a photo of your pup in their harness so we can help you out 😊 



The Real Shawn Behind ShawnCo🐶


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