Meet May Ambassador: Rex🐶

You don’t get the dog you want, you get the dog you need.



Isaiah here, 

 Every now and then Mikayla and I come across a story that absolutely crushes our hearts and restores our faith in humanity.

And today's story from Lauren and her beautiful son Rex does just that...

Last October, after spending 10 months taking care of their dog in hospice care, Lauren and her husband Ryan had just lost their furry best friend to cancer and we’re completely devastated. 

While scrolling through Facebook Lauren came across the The Pittie Party of Central Florida’s Facebook page and saw that a young boy named Rex needed a foster home or he faced immediate euthanization.

And all the shelter knew about him was that he had had 4 owners in 6 years, was now on the euthanize list for the second time, and struggled with anxiety, separation anxiety, and a general fear of thunderstorms, men and loud noises. 

In fact when Lauren and Ryan showed up to the shelter the staff refused to go in and get Rex because he was considered "dangerous”, so they handed Lauren the leash and wished her luck to get Rex to come out. 

Up until this point Lauren and Ryan were questioning if this was even a good decision, but once they laid eyes on Rex none of them ever looked back.

Although still terrified and shaking, Rex got into the car and headed to his new forever home for his freedom ride. 

The whole car ride Rex looked more at peace than he ever has, glancing out the window with a sense of curiosity as his new family turned into his new neighborhood.


Over the next several months, thanks to help from The Pittie Party of Central Florida who agreed to pay for Rex to see a behavior specialist and enroll in an online course with a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT) Rex has become a new dog.

With the help of anxiety medication and training, Rex is now able to stay at home alone for over two hours! (Which is way up from his previous record of 1 minute).

And as of March 25, Lauren and Ryan have officially adopted Rex and made him a part of their family forever. 
While rescuing a dog is not for everyone and requires a lot of time and effort, Mikayla and I will never stop doing all we can to advocate for all of the “Rexs'' out there. 

That's why Rex is our Official May Ambassador of The Month! 
If you want to follow along on Rex’s journey you can find him on Instagram @rexaronitherescue to see more of his daily life and inspiring message to others.

And if you want to read the full story of Rex straight from his mom Lauren you can check out his full story HERE


Meet June’s Ambassador: Liesel🐕


Meet April’s Ambassador: Smokey🦮