Meet April’s Ambassador: Smokey🦮

All Dogs Are Therapy Dogs…The Majority of Them Are Just Freelancing…


 Isaiah here,  

I’m sitting here this morning with Mikayla drinking my coffee reading emails and I couldn’t help but think about this awesome community we have at ShawnCo…

A few months ago Mikayla and I started a tradition where we name an Ambassador of the Month to show our love and support to everyone who’s following us along in our journey to create a world where every dog is able to live the life they deserve and have a brighter future.

 This ambassador is not only highlighted in our weekly emails and social media posts, but they also get a free Harness, Collar, and Leash on us.

We do this because dogs show us endless love and support and we want to give back to them in every way we can. 🐶

 And this month we’ve chosen a dog who not only shows endless love to his mom, but to everyone he meets. 

So without further delay, I am proud to introduce you to April’s Ambassador, Smokey! 

Smokey is a beautiful 10 year old English Cream Golden Retriever, who lives with his retired 84 year old mom Marilyn.

Marilyn has been training therapy dogs for over 10 years and the two of them are inseparable. 

But despite his love for his mom Smokey absolutely loves meeting, hugging, kissing and loving on new people. 

In fact, he loves it so much that Marlyn and Smokey make frequent trips to local Assisted Living and Memory Care Centers where this gentle dog offers his unconditional love to so many lonely and isolated people.

The first time Smokey and Marlyn visited an Assisted Living and Memory Care Center, they saw a group of people sitting in a large circle away from everyone else.

Some of these people were sitting in chairs but most were sitting in their wheelchairs. 

As Marylin introduced Smokey to the group he made it a point to stop at each person, lay his head on their lap and give them his undivided attention while he sat and enjoyed a few minutes of ear scratchies. 

Before long Smokey was bringing so much laughter and smiles to each of their faces that they all seemed like new people.

It’s amazing how much better a day is when you share it with a dog.

Smokey is our Official Ambassador of the Month because of his unwavering love and affection that he brings to others.

Smokey, like many dogs, brings joy into the lives of everyone he meets.

And we couldn’t have picked someone more deserving.

Isaiah "Loving The Love" Gardner 

P.S. We would love to see your best friend as next month's Ambassador. 

All you have to do is send us an email ( with some photos of your best friend along with why they are the best doggy ever. 

Each monthly ambassador will receive a Shawnco Leash, Harness and Collar on us.  

I can’t wait to hear all about your best friend. 


Meet May Ambassador: Rex🐶


Meet Our March Ambassador: Angel