Meet Our March Ambassador: Angel



Isaiah here,

March has finally arrived and Miikayla and I have been waiting patiently to announce our March Ambassador of the Month.
Back in January we decided to create an Ambassador of the month because everyone kept sending us pictures of their furry best friends and we wanted to show everyone our love and appreciation
(Keep sending them by the way. We absolutely love seeing all the cute adorable faces! 🐶).
And this month we wanted to continue to honor those furry facesand show our commitment to our mission by announcing the March Ambassador of the month. 

So without further delay, I am proud to introduce you to March’s Ambassador, Angel! 

When Angel first met her mom Suzanne, Suzanne saw how scared she was and the two of them instantly bonded. 

Suzanne had recently sold her house, left a job she had been working at for over 20 years, and got married, all while uprooting her life in Virginia to move to North Carolina.

And Angel was in a Kill Shelter…

Both of them were going through scary times in their life, but that all changedwhen they found each other. 

As soon as the two met they instantly connected and everything that was changing in their lives seemed not as scary as they did before. 


Staying by each other's side and always up for the impromptu play time Angel and Suzannes' love and bond for each other grew. 


And over the past few months Angel and Suzanne have become inseparable with Angel always bringing Suzanne toys to play with, keeping a smile on her face and even getting a little upset when mom uses the phone.


(But is she wrong?! Puppies need all the hands all the times 😊👐🐕)

But as much fun as it is to get attention from mom, Angel absolutely loves playing with her best friend Boo and her dad. 


Boo (who is her brother cat) loves dogs, and the two of them romp and play like two puppies in the yard. 


In fact, they are such good friends that once Angel actually climbed up in a tree trying to follow her best friend!


And when Angel's dad gets down on the floor to play she gets the Zoomies and everyone has an absolute blast!


Angel's story is one of hope and endless love which we hope to share with as many people as possible.


Because when we show endless love, everything is better. 

Isaiah “Feeling The Love” Gardner

P.S. We would love to see your best friend as next month's Ambassador. 
All you have to do is send us an email ( with some photos of your best friend along with why they are the best doggy ever. 

Each monthly ambassador will receive a Shawnco Leash, Harness and Collar on us.  

I can’t wait to hear all about your best friend.


Meet April’s Ambassador: Smokey🦮


🐶Frenchie February🐶