Meet June’s Ambassador: Liesel🐕


"A dog's love is a heartwarming reminder that the purest affection comes with no conditions, only the desire to be by your    side through every moment of joy and sorrow."


 Isaiah here,

I am beyond thrilled to unveil our June ShawnCo Ambassador: Liesel the German Shepherd alongside her remarkable human, Jaime! This month, we celebrate this duo's heart warming story!

 Meet Liesel: The Joy Bringer:

Liesel is not just any dog; she’s a boundless source of joy and unwavering support for Jaime. After the heartbreaking loss of her beloved cat, Molly, to Lymphoma last October, Jaime was overwhelmed with sadness and wanted to shut down. Jaime wasn’t looking for a new pet at the time but when another family member brought her home as a family dog, she and Jaime bonded instantly. Jaime told us “Liesel would follow me to the ends of the earth”.  She has become a radiant beacon of light and love, reminding Jaime every day that she is needed and cherished. 

The Journey to Becoming a Service Dog:

It was clear to Jaime shortly after bonding with Liesel that she was going to be a service dog. Liesel’s journey from an Emotional Support Animal to a fully trained service dog was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Completing her training just at the end of May, Liesel has shown an extraordinary natural talent for her role. Imagine this: Jaime, bursting with pride, told us about a trip to Walmart where she asked Liesel to sit and stay while using the self-checkout. Liesel, with her leash on the floor, didn’t move a muscle! The man behind them was picking his jaw up from the floor. This was Liesel’s first time attempting this in a store, and she nailed it!

Everyday Heroics:

From handing over a bottle of meds during an anxiety spike to helping Jaime manage claustrophobia while shopping, Liesel’s intuition and training shine brilliantly. Her gentle nudges and steadfast presence make even the toughest tasks easier. Jaime shared countless moments where Liesel, with her keen sense of body language and emotion, immediately rushed to offer comfort and support.
 One moment that touched our hearts was a night that Jaime was not doing well and Liesel picked up on the disturbance immediately. She laid down in their bed, put her left paw on her back, and placed her head on Jaime’s shoulder until she fell asleep. None of these things Jaime taught her; it’s pure instinct. Dogs are truly amazing, and it’s clear that Liesel was born for her role as a service dog.

"In the eyes of a dog, you'll always find the reflection of a love that is unending and a loyalty that never falters."

Jaime and Liesel do everything together, with Jaime caring for Liesel just as devotedly as Liesel cares for her. Their favorite part of the day is visiting the dog park, where Liesel loves playing with her friends. One thing that made us laugh was watching Liesel try to catch bubbles with her mouth 🤣

Liesel is more than a family pet; she’s a best friend, a safety net, and a confidant. Her presence gives Jaime the strength to face each new day, providing comfort and companionship through thick and thin. Through the journey of teaching Liesel to become a service dog, Jaime has also helped others do the same with their dogs, which we think is pretty special! We have loved getting to know Jaime better and hearing all about her adventures with Liesel. We are so thankful she shared her story with us!

These are the stories we love to highlight at ShawnCo as we continue to “Celebrate Man’s Best Friend.”



Send us an email ( We want to hear your story! How has your dog changed your life?


If chosen, each ShawnCo Ambassador will receive a harness, leash, and collar on us! 




Nothing Is More American Than A Good Dog…


Meet May Ambassador: Rex🐶