Meet July’s Ambassador: Gracie🐶💕

Dogs Are More Precious Than Money

Every week Mikayla and I receive a ton of emails from the community telling us all about their best friends

(Keep sending them in. We absolutely love them! :) 

But recently we received a very special email from a wonderful dog parents named Dana & Eileen about a special little girl named Gracie. 

And after hearing their story Mikayla and I knew that Gracie had to be the July Ambassador of the Month!

In December of 2023 Dana and his wife Eileen had lost a very special dog named Sadie.

Sadie had been with them for a very long time and was actively helping Dana through his cancer treatment. 

(You can read Sadie’s story on our blog)

After Sadie had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge Dana and Eileen felt her loss as deeply as anyone could.

And to be honest they never thought they would never be able to fill that void again. 

But as it turns out, the right dogs come to us when we need them most. 

Two months after the loss of Sadie, Eileen was going through the popular website Uncle Henry’s when she came across a toy poodle who needed a home.

This particular toy poodle was the runt of the litter and had been repeatedly passed over by buyers.

As a last ditch effort to find her a home the sellers lowered the price for adoption because they couldn’t see her worth.

But Eileen did.

As it turned out, Gracie needed Dana and Eileen just as much as they needed her.

And ever since her adoption Gracie has taken over their house making it her home.

In just the few short months they’ve been together, Gracie has brought joy and smiles back into Dana and Eileen's lives. 

Their little Gracie has even started her training as Dana’s cancer support dog and hearing helper just like Sadie was.

And every now and then Dana and Eileen see Sadie shining through Gracie and they know their best friend is still with them.

Dana took the time to write a beautiful more in depth story that will be featured on our website that we would love for you to read. 

Make sure you look for that in next week's email. 

Woofs and Wags

Isaiah Gardner

P.S. Do you want your best friend to be featured as our Ambassador of the month? 

Email and tell us why your best friend deserves this honor. Every Ambassador gets a free Harness, Collar and Leash on us!


 9 Ways To Keep Your Dog Entertained


Sadie’s Story: By Dana & Eileen Green