January Ambassador: Meet Bailey


 2024 is here and Mikayla and I couldn’t be more excited. 

We were sitting around the fire last week giving Elvis all the belly rubs he could handle when we came up with an idea. 
You see, we receive A LOT of emails from you guys showing off your furry best friends and telling us all about them and how they became a part of your family. 

(Keep sending them. We have a problem, and we’re addicted to seeing all those furry faces 🐶). 
And we wanted to honor those furry faces and show our commitment to our mission by having an Ambassador of the month. 
Each month we will pick one Puppy Ambassador and showcase their story here in our newsletter and on Social media. 
Because what better way to show endless love than to show the world your amazing best friend. :) 

So without further delay, I am proud to introduce you to January's Ambassador Miss Bailey!

Bailey is absolutely the sweetest most heart warming dog anyone could have asked for. 

And while Bailey has a full time job warming her Pawrents Lauren and Loni’s hearts, Bailey also works as a service dog for Loni. 
Some of Bailey's favorite things to do is go running in the park, receive belly rubs, making funny faces, and of course, give all the snuggles. 
In fact Bailey has received the official nickname of “Mayor”because when out on a walk, she MUST greet everyone that walks by.

And while people might make her happy, Bailey also has a best doggy friend named Chewy.

When the two of them get together they spend their time playing with toys.

But let me ask you this……

Have you ever seen a dog drive a car?!?!?

Yep, that's our girl Bailey who continues to impress us with her ability to drive a car. 

(We won’t tell anyone it’s a right hand drive Japanese Import). 

But to be honest, there's never a dull moment, or any crumb of personal space when it comes to having Bailey, but Lauren and Loni wouldn’t have it any other way.

Bailey is truly Lauren and Loni’s best friend and makes their world’s brighter every day. And we can see how she makes their family complete.  

It’s true when they say our dogs complete us.

P.S. We would love to see your best friend as next month's Ambassador. All you have to do is send us an email (hello@shawncopets,com with some photos of your best friend along with why they are the best doggy ever. 

Each monthly ambassador will receive a Shawnco Harness, leash and collar on us. 

I can’t wait to hear all about your best friend. 




🐶Frenchie February🐶